What qualities do wave soldering technicians in circuit board plants need to have?
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What qualities do wave soldering technicians in circuit board plants need to have?

What qualities do wave soldering technICians in circuit board plants need to have?

Wave soldering is a profound knowLEDge, involving many related fields such as chEMIstry, machinery, electronics, electronic computers, physics and so on. It is not easy to master and deeply study. Learning wave soldering related knowledge is not a day. It requires a certain amount of time and work experience. Wave soldering technology is now widely used in various fields of national production, and it is predicted that it will not be eliminated in the future. From this point of view, the development prOSPects of wave soldering technicians are good. The wave soldering technician must understand and master the working principle and operation steps of wave soldering equipment, and understand the basic maintenance and repair knowledge of the equipment. In addition, wave soldering technicians

Wave soldering is a profound knowledge, involving many related fields such as chemistry, machinery, electronics, electronic computers, physics and so on. It is not easy to master and deeply study. Learning wave soldering related knowledge is not a day. It requires a certain amount of time and work experience. Wave soldering technology is now widely used in various fields of national production, and it is predicted that it will not be eliminated in the future. From this point of view, the development prospects of wave soldering technicians are good. The wave soldering technician must understand and master the working principle and operation steps of wave soldering equipment, and understand the basic maintenance and repair knowledge of the equipment. In addition, wave soldering technicians have to pay great attention to safety issues. Next, we mainly list the qualities that important wave soldering technicians need to master and possess, for reference only.

circuit board

Wave Technician 

1. Plug in machine, wave soldering operation, familiar with electronIC components;

2. Maintenance and troubleshooting of wave soldering and other machinery and equipment;

3. Improve the abnormal quality of wave crest/plug-in segment;

4. At least 2 years experience in wave soldering operation, maintenance and repair;

5. Understand the equipment circuit and be able to understand the SIMple circuit diagram.

6. Deal with the abnormal situation of wave soldering equipment on site to ensure the normal operation of production;

7. Cooperate in handling various defects in pcb production to ensure smooth production;

8. Establish a maintenance system for wave soldering to avoid line stoppage due to improper equipment maintenance;

9. Be responsible for the welding quality inspection of PCB wave soldering machine, debugging and maintenance of wave soldering machine;

10. Solve the process problems caused by wave soldering and prepare operation instructions;

11. Plug in machine, wave soldering operation, familiar with electronic components;

12. Maintenance and troubleshooting of wave soldering and other machinery and equipment;

13. Continuous optimization of wave soldering process parameters to improve welding yield

14. Wave soldering technician training, responsible for the production of product operation instructions;

15. Adjustment of wave soldering equipment for trial production of new products or production line change to maintain the yield and stability of welding state;

16. Product fixture design and optimization, maintenance and status statistics;

17. Equipment spot check, maintenance and regular measurement of temperature curve;

18. Optimization of equipment operation specification documents and parameter standards.

19. Be down-to-earth and ambitious; Complete other tasks assigned by leaders;

20. Hardworking, good coordination ability and communication skills, and team SPIrit;

For each wave soldering technician above, only 80% of them are excellent wave soldering technicians. The work experience of each wave soldering technician comes from the long-term accumulation of daily work experience, summarizing and generating their own skills.

The Circuit board manufacturer and circuit board designer explain to you what qualities wave soldering technicians need to have?
