Reasons for circuit board delamination and its improvement
The circuit board manufacturer and the circuit board designer explain the causes of circuit board layering and its improvement
The circuit board manufacturer and the circuit board designer explain the causes of circuit board layering and its improvement
Circuit board manufacturers and circuit board designers explain the design specifications for thick copper plates
The circuit board manufacturer and the circuit board designer will explain the six techniques for selecting components in circuit board design
The circuit board manufacturer and circuit board designer explain the anti-interference design of high-frequency circuit boards
The circuit board manufacturer and circuit board designer explain the basic principles of circuit board design
The circuit board manufacturer and circuit board designer explain the circuit board design specifications of switching power supply
This article is about the introduction of the design method and key points analysis of PCB board drawing in PCB design
This paper introduces some DFM methods related to PCB through-hole insertion in PCB production
Introduction to the wiring arrangement and reasonable layout of PCB devices on the PCB board
一、PCB覆铜板随着电子产品向轻、薄、小、高密度、多功能方向发展,印制电路板上元器件的组装密度和集成度越来越高,功耗也越来越高, 对PCB基板的散热要求越来越迫切。 如果基板散热不好,会导致印刷电路板上元器件过热,从而降低整机的可靠性。 在此背景下,高散热金属PCB基板应运而生。铝基覆铜板是应用最广泛的金属PCB基板。 该产品于1969年由日本三洋国策发明,1974年开始应用于STK系列功率放大混合集成电路。80年代初期,我国金属基覆铜板主要用于军工产品。 当时金属PCB基板材料完全依赖进口,价格昂贵。
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