
printed circuit

What is AOI automatic optical detector?

The circuit board manufacturer and circuit board designer will explain to you what the AOI automatic optical detector is

What does SMT mean and what is DIP? The pcb factory explains it?

The circuit board manufacturer and circuit board designer explain to you what SMT means and what DIP is

Detailed explanation of PCB electromagnetic compatibility design

PCB manufacturers and PCB designers explain PCB electromagnetic compatibility design

Circuit board factory: Precautions for PTF printing lines on PET

The circuit board manufacturer and circuit board designer explain the precautions for PTF printing on PET

FPC structure - single panel and single copper double fabrication

The circuit board manufacturer and circuit board designer will explain the FPC structure - single panel and single copper double fabrication.

Deep understanding of SMT technology [must see]

Circuit board manufacturers and circuit board designers explain SMT technology to you in depth

Job definition and work content of SMT engineer

The circuit board manufacturer and circuit board designer explain the job definition and work content of SMT engineerJob Definition

SMT process and capacity, and the use of stencil thickness and principle

The circuit board manufacturer and the circuit board designer will explain the SMT process and capability, the thickness of the steel mesh and the use of the principle

How to correctly determine the number of PCB connected boards?

PCB manufacturers and PCB designers will explain how to correctly determine the number of PCB boards.

Under what circumstances can PCB be used without carrier wave soldering

PCB manufacturers and PCB designers will explain to you when PCB can be wave soldering without carrier

Harm of chloride ion to PCB substrate and its treatment

PCB manufacturers and PCB designers explain the harm of chloride ions to PCB substrates and the treatment methods

PCB factory explained: PCB copy, simplified process of PCB design

PCB manufacturer and PCB design manufacturer explain PCB copy and PCB design simplification process
