The PCB editor teaches you how to implement the PCBA product quality standard
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The PCB editor teaches you how to implement the PCBA product quality standard

The PCB editor teaches you how to implement the PCBA product quality standard

BasICally, all electronic processing enterprises implement the PCBA product quality standard IPCA610 to control the quality of PCBA manufacturing. Naturally, PCBA product quality standards are sometimes only used as a reference. Electronic devices solve the direct reasons for participating in customer regulations to formulate more detaiLED specifications. The left and right sides will tell you the implementation of the PCBA product quality standard. The PCBA manufacturer has high assembly relative density, SMAll electronic equipment and light weight. The volume and net weight of patch type components can only be about 1/10 of that of traditional plug-in components. After SMT is generally selected, the volume of electronic equipment will be reduced by 40%~60%, and the net weight will be reduced by 60%~80%.

① ElectronIC components: components, components and raw materials should be purchased in an appropriate way to ensure production and processing quality;

② Full automatic electronic optical inspection: ensure the inspection of PCBA surface defects during processing, such as scratches and dirt, lead, short circuit fault, thin solder wire, lack of parts, wrong parts, wrong parts placement;

circuit boards

③ Manual visual inspection: manual service inspection between the processing process and the final process. In the process of packaging and printing of electronic devices, the pcba sample printing is a processing technology that uses photo taking or electronic device color mixing machine to make film photos that have been properly renovated and printed into proofs or other ways to display the actual effect of information printing plate making before packaging and printing of electronic devices. At present, pcba is the most popular technology and processing technology in the electronic device assembly and manufacturing industry. it is a kind of power circuit assembly technology that installs the surface assembled electronic devices that are sorted and packaged by the drainage matrix without feet or short wires or balls on the surface of pcb circuit board or other base steel plates, and assembles the power circuit by electric welding in many ways according to the reflow welding furnace or immersion welding.

④ PCBA system test: the system test is used to SIMulate the final production and manufacturing process of the actual operating natural environment of the goods. It shall show direct delivery before delivery by PCBA processing plant. The purpose of production and manufacturing is to verify whether the hardware configuration of the commodity has shortcomings, because it will cause bad harm to all normal functions of the system on the commodity during the operation of the program. The test code is quite different according to the difference between PCBA and system software, and should be presented by OEM customers during OEM processing.

⑤ Cleaning and packaging: PCBA shall be separated in boxes in standard large paper boxes. PCBA has high relative density of processing and assembly, small size and light weight of electronic equipment. The volume and net weight of patch type components can only be about 1/10 of that of traditional plug-in components. Generally, after SMT is selected, the volume of electronic equipment will be reduced by 40%~60%, and the net weight will be reduced by 60%~80%. Internal maintenance bubble bag. All circuit boards shall be stored in RoHS compliant packaging to avoid moisture regain. If all unopened packages are expired or opened, such components must be properly baked to remove unnecessary moisture.
